Welcome Back Wildcats!

It's almost time for the 2024-2025 school year! While your teachers are busy getting their classrooms and lessons ready to go, this Back to School Hub will help you make sure that you have everything you need to be ready to go on your first day back!

Families - be sure to check out the information for your student's school below! As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the school!

Fee Day

The district will have their fee day on Monday, August 19, 2024 from 12:00-7:00PM and Tuesday, August 20, 2024 from 8:00AM-3:00PM. At that time, you can check which teacher your child will have this year and/or pick up schedules and pay school fees. The current list of fees can be found linked below, or by going to the Documents section of each school's website.

Elementary Fees

Middle School Fees

High School Fees

Open House, Supply Lists, and Handbooks


Thursday, August 22
9am-4:30pm: Open House by appointment with your child's teacher only.

Elementary School (K-4)

Thursday, August 22
6pm-7:30pm: Open House for all grades!

Middle School (5-8)

Thursday, August 22
5pm: 5th grade and new student orientation in the gym
6pm-7:30pm: Open House for all grades!

High School (9-12)

Thursday, August 22
5:30pm: 9th grade and new student orientation in the cafeteria
6:30pm: Open House for all grades!

Your child will receive individualized supply lists from their teacher on their first day of class. It would be a good idea to stock up on essentials, like paper, pencils, pens, folders, and notebooks.

Please feel free to bring all supplies to the Open House and drop them off in your child's classroom and/or lockers.

Graphic from the PTO showing that Deet's, Holly's Homemade Street Eats, Smashdawgz, Porky's Sweet Spot, and Kona Ice will be at Open House from 4-8PM selling food and goodies. The Girl Scouts from Troop 12327 will also have baked goods available and will be accepting donations.

Staggered Start - Elementary ONLY

Preschool and Kindergarten
Refer to the information from your child's teacher as to which days during the first week your child will be attending.

Grades 1-4
Monday, August 26 will be students with last names A-M
Tuesday, August 27 will be students with last names N-Z
Wednesday, August 28 all students in grades 1-4 will attend

All other students (grades 5-12) will return to school on Monday, August 26th!

Final Forms

Be sure to check your Final Forms account! All forms should be filled out before the start of the school year!

Final Forms

PaySchools Central

You can also pay your school fees online at PaySchools Central! This is also where you can add money to your student's lunch account, pay for activities, or after school programs.

PaySchools Central

Bus Routes

Calendar Links

Please visit our School Calendar page for information on the current school calendar and a downloadable copy!

District Calendars

Connect with Us!