Nominations needed graphic: blue background with yellow and white decorations. Nominate a Woodmore Staff member:   Nominate a community member:
Woodmore Nation News
October Excellence in Education -Rich Harman
Chad Miller- Oct ROAR
October R.O.A.R. Award Recipient-Malinda Dickerson
Blue background with gold lettering reads: "We are hiring Paraprofessionals & Educational Aides. No experience necessary! Summers and holidays off! Flexible work schedule! An opportunity to be a part of the Woodmore Family! Application materials should be submitted electronically to Hope Gutierrez at
First page september newsletter
A picture of a solar eclipse with the text "No School on April, 8, 2024. Due to the solar eclipse, there will be no school on Monday, April 8, 2024.
Buddy the Elf on the roof to welcome elementary students to school
second grade fall music performance
4th grade fall music performance
Halloween Parade 2023
Mr. Haas and a student preparing to throw a pie at one another
October's Elementary Music Students of the Month
Miss Dunn's class at the zoo
Students looking at farm animals
Student testing a magnet